Portrayed by legendary actor Al Pacino, Tony Montana's portrayal vividly captures the character's criminal facade, inner turmoil, and the gradual erosion of his humanity. Pacino's commanding presence and intense gaze, masterfully depicted in "Scarface," are meticulously recreated through resin head sculpts and Blitzway's eye insertion techniques.
This figure encapsulates Tony Montana's journey of moral decay amidst his escalating pursuit of success, accentuated by opulent suits and a diorama base representing a pivotal scene from the film. With lavish golden railings, plush red carpet stairs, and Tony Montana's poised figure, Blitzway's "Scarface" captures the nuanced moments of contrast in his expressions.
Product Features
Approx. 20.74 inches (52.7cm)
1/4 Scale
Made of resin, polystone, metal, and fabric
Based on the Scarface film
Highly detailed
Box Contents
Tony Montana statue
Interchangeable head part
Right hand holding a pistol
Additional left hand
Blitzway Scarface Tony Montana (Standard Ver.) 1/4 Superb Scale Statue . This is a preorder and items will be shipped once received. Items are expected to arrive in Q2 2025.Estimated release dates are given to us by the manufacturer and are subject to change. Our receipt of items from manufacturers may not be the same as wide release.
Please note that shipping date may vary from the expected date given unforeseen circumstances in shipping routine. Cancellation of an order is possible until a week before wide release but non-refundable deposit of 30% will apply. Please ask team for details. Cancellations will not be accepted after that as orders will begin to be processed by that point. By making a pre-order purchase, you agree that you understand the pre-order policy.
Figure is brand new (never opened). Figure comes direct from manufacturer. The box is in Good Condition.
Shipping Included! Shipped in a sturdy box with padding inside to ensure quality of item.
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